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Our School Code


Manners, Respect, Kindness

We are very proud of our children’s behaviour and attitude towards school. Last year we developed a whole school code based on Manners, Respect and Kindness. We have been chatting with the children over the year about developing a positive system to be used across all classes so that all children know what is expected of them. Please find attached the agreed posters. We are aiming that all children remain Green! If there are instances of unacceptable behaviour children would be give verbal warnings. If children do not change any unacceptable behaviours after two warnings they would be issued with a yellow card. Two yellow cards would mean a red card would be issued. The children have co-constructed the criteria and consequences at all stages. Our focus will always be on the positive and I am sure all our children will remain green but if needed a consistent approach is applied across the school.



We use the Class Dojo system across the school. All children areable to obtain points in different categories. These points result in children receiving a Bronze Award for 100 points. There is also be a Silver Award, a Gold Award and a Platinum award to obtain after that!

The categories children can obtain points for are:


Years 3-6 – Homework, Behaviour, Manners, kindness and Respect, Wow Work


Rec - Year 2– I’m a Superstar, manners, kindness and Respect, Wow Work

You can read our school Positive Behaviour and Relationships Policy by clicking here.

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