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Schools in Wales are given funding on a 'per pupil' basis specifically to support and ensure comparable progress for all pupils in receipt of Free School Meals. Schools have to draw up detailed plans on how they will spend this money and then they have to show the progress that each pupil has made against the spending. All schools are required to publish the following information on their website about their PDG Funding:
The total number of pupils on school roll for September 2023 is 420 plus 19 fte Nursery
The school’s current Free School Meal population is 4%.
This is the same as the population for the previous year.
The school uses PDG funding to support pupils who currently receive Free School Meals or have done so previously (ever Free School Meals), prioritising those with the greatest need.
The total allocation of PDG and EYPDG to this school for April 2023to March 2024 is £24,150
The school undertakes the following activities in order to support pupils facing the challenges of poverty and deprivation:
Employing the equivalent of a teaching assistant to lead on supporting and monitoring progress of pupils in receipt of Free School Meals including 1-2-1 working, catch up and mentoring programmes e.g Fresh Start, ELSA etc.
Training in counselling skills to support pupils social, emotional and wellbeing need;
Purchase of technology to support learning of literacy and numeracy skills.
The school’s PDG and Education Improvement Grant plans are regularly scrutinised by the Governing Body, supported by advice from the EAS (Educational Achievement Service) and monitored by the Local Authority.
The use of the PDG grant has ensured very good levels of progress from their starting points for all children eligible. This was verified in our recent Estyn report May 2023.